なにわ旬菜 GAZEBO 北浜
“ジパング”をコンセプトにデザインした和食料理店。( リニューアル )
we were asked to make use of the existing space while increasing the number of calming private rooms that matched the high-quality image of Herbis Plaza Ent.
Therefore, we proposed a design concept of “ZIPANGU,” evoking the image of the splendor of Naniwa Taiko Hideyoshi during the Fushimi-Momoyama period.
The main materials were white, gold, cedar, silver, and black, with metallic sheen added in some places. The left wall of the customer seating area was set as the most focal point of the store, and as a homage to the sliding screen paintings, a special gold paint was used as the base, with silver painted in places to create the effect of clouds.
At the top of the high ceiling, we installed lanterns with black glossy painted frames that resembled lacquer, and reflected them in the mirror on the wall to emphasize the size of the space.
A tasteful, shiny material was selected for the upholstery of the chairs, and the wire mesh used for the partition in front is made of stainless steel sheets colored in gold, silver, and bronze, woven in random positions, so that the edges of the weave sparkle when light hits them. The material composition, which is conscious of the glossy feel, expresses the modern “Naniwa” of today, creating a special place with a high-quality appearance.
A Japanese restaurant designed with the concept of “Zipangu”. (Renovated)
On the 5th floor of Herbis Plaza Ent in Nishi Umeda, Osaka, where the Shiki Theatre Company is located on the floor above, this Japanese restaurant has a theme of local production and consumption, focusing on ingredients and alcohol from the Kansai region.
Even on weekdays, you can see a wide range of female customers in their late 30s to 50s enjoying a leisurely lunch, and for dinner, business guests and groups from nearby offices come to the restaurant.